Creative Genesis Mentor Deck

Frequently Asked Questions

At Creative Genesis, our workshops excel because they address a fundamental issue in traditional educational systems: the misconception that writing is merely a formulaic task to be assessed. Writing is presented as a chore in many educational settings, devoid of purpose and personal connection. This approach often leads to a lack of enthusiasm and creativity among young learners. I challenge this notion and redefine the writing experience for children.

Our philosophy is centered on the belief that writing should be creative, spontaneous, and, most importantly, purposeful. When children are free to write about topics that genuinely interest them, it unlocks a world of creativity and passion. Our workshops are designed to inspire a love for writing, not as a task but as a powerful tool for self-expression and exploration.

Writers’ 45 leverages the concept of social facilitation in creative writing. This phenomenon, where individuals perform better in the presence of others, is a key driver behind the heightened engagement and productivity in our Writers’ 45 sessions. Participants, even when working on separate pieces, benefit from the collective energy and motivation of the group. This environment fosters a sense of community and collaboration, even in the context of individual work.

Here’s how it unfolds:

We begin with a ritual of setting intentions, creating an atmosphere where each writer’s personal goals and creative pursuits are acknowledged and supported. This practice sets the tone for focused creativity, art, or writing and embeds a shared purpose and drive. During the sessions, writers experience a unique ‘zing’—a boost of energy and inspiration drawn from the collective presence, akin to an athlete training harder when surrounded by peers.

Furthermore, our approach includes reflective questioning at the end of each session, encouraging writers to share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs. This sharing catalyzes and amplifies the collective energy and helps writers hold themselves accountable to their goals and the group. It also promotes benchmarking and self-awareness as participants hear about the journeys of their peers, understanding that they are not isolated in their creative endeavors.

I don’t dictate what you write, how you write, or why you write. It’s all about discovering what you love and turning it into something amazing. Kids can write their own stories, sketch out a graphic novel, animate a short film, blog about their interests, or craft some poetry – the choice is theirs. I bring weekly prompts for writers wanting to play to get their imagination and creative juices flowing.

I play a supportive yet unobtrusive coaching and mentoring role in this creative journey. I offer feedback opportunities on their work but allow them to experience the joy and satisfaction of discovering personal style and processes and creating something truly their own, using their creativity and ingenuity.

In essence, Creative Genesis’ Creative Writing Workshops are about unleashing the inherent creative potential in every child, showing them that the world of literature and storytelling is vast and waiting for their unique contribution. It’s an adventure in creativity that they’ll cherish for a lifetime.

Writers’ 45 is designed to seamlessly integrate into your child’s busy schedule, offering the flexibility and convenience that modern families need. I understand that every child’s routine is unique, with different commitments and interests. That’s why our workshops are structured to provide maximum flexibility while still maintaining a consistent framework for creative writing.

Our workshops run from Monday to Thursday, with two sessions each day at 12 PM ET and 5 PM ET. This schedule allows your child to choose the time that works best for them on any given day. The beauty of Writers’ 45 lies in its adaptability: children can attend as many sessions as they wish throughout the week, tailoring their participation to fit their personal schedules and writing needs.

Experts often recommend that children should engage in reading and writing activities for 30 to 45 minutes each day. Understanding the challenges of incorporating this into a busy schedule, our Writers’ 45 workshops are specifically designed to safeguard this crucial time for your children every day.

By participating in our Writers’ 45 workshops, ensures that your child consistently dedicates time to reading and writing, seamlessly integrated into their daily routine.

My Meet and Greet is a personalized introduction to the vibrant world of Creative Genesis and our Writers’ 45 workshops. It’s an essential first step for families and young creatives looking to join our community, providing an opportunity to connect, ask questions, and understand what makes our program unique.

During the Meet and Greet, you and your child will have the chance to interact directly with me, Brianne. This 15 minute session is designed to be informal and welcoming, allowing you to feel comfortable and informed about our approach to creative writing and the various aspects of our workshops.

In this session, we discuss:

  1. The Structure of Our Workshops: I explain how our Writers’ 45 workshops are conducted, detailing the schedule, the format, and the kind of activities your child will be involved in.

  2. Personalization: I understand that every child is different. This meeting allows us to understand your child’s interests, strengths, and areas where they might need more encouragement or support.

  3. Your Expectations and Goals: It’s a great time for you to share what you hope your child will gain from joining Creative Genesis. Whether it’s improving writing skills, finding a creative outlet, or building confidence, I’m here to ensure these goals are met.

  4. Answering Your Questions: I address any queries or concerns you might have about the program, our teaching philosophy, or anything else you’re curious about.

  5. Community Introduction: Learn about the vibrant community of young writers your child will be joining. I discuss how we foster a supportive, collaborative, and inspiring environment for all our members.

My Meet and Greet is more than just an informational session; it’s a gateway to a creative journey. I aim to ensure that when you decide to join our community, you do so with a clear understanding of what to expect and excitement for the creative adventures that lie ahead for your child. It’s the beginning of a journey where your child’s imagination and creativity will be nurtured and celebrated.

Some of our students are undertaking passion projects, either before joining Creative Genesis or while participating in workshops and our Discord community.

The mentorship gives our writers a one-on-one experience with a mentor that is tailored to the student’s goals and the project. 

Private mentoring and Writers’ 45 complement each other to offer a comprehensive approach to developing young writers’ and creator’s skills.

In private mentoring sessions, we focus on a deep dive into various aspects of writing, publishing, storytelling, argument and design. This includes honing specific skills, exploring writing styles, brainstorming ideas, understanding different structures, and refining editing techniques. These sessions are tailored to each student’s needs, allowing for detailed and focused improvement in their writing.

On the other hand, Writers’ 45 workshops provide a dedicated space for students to apply what they’ve learned. Here, they can spend time drafting, writing, and implementing their skills in a supportive group setting. Writers’ 45 is about putting theory into practice and giving students the time and freedom to experiment with their writing, enhancing their learning experience.

Together, private mentoring and Writers’ 45 ensure that students not only learn the intricacies of writing but also get ample opportunity to practice and perfect their craft.

The starting point for new writers is joining our Writers’ 45 for the first month free. Mentoring works when a rapport forms, and where better form creative rapport than our Writers’ 45 workshops!
Typically, before commencing a mentorship we have a one-to-one creative scope call – where we can discuss all your creative ideas and thoughts. 

If we are a fit, the usual next step which is a customised ongoing process were we meet regularly every 1-2 weeks. 

The duration of mentorships varies and is tailored to suit the nature of each student’s writing project. For ongoing projects, such as maintaining a blog or working on a serial story, the mentorship is continuous, providing sustained support and guidance as the student evolves and grows in their writing journey.

In contrast, for projects with a specific goal or deadline, such as writing a short story for a competition, the mentorship is fixed to a certain timeframe. This ensures focused and intensive guidance to help the student achieve their goal within the set period.

Ultimately, the length of the mentorship is flexible and adapts to the individual needs and objectives of each student, ensuring they receive the right amount of support for their personal writing ambitions.

Writing isn’t for everyone. Join a Writer 45 Session, and see if they enjoy it. Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram for writing ideas at home. Still not sure, join a Meet and Great with me, that simulates a Writers 45 Session. If your child doesn’t feel the session is for them – no harm, no foul. 

No hassle, no questions asked.